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Department of Love

Co-curated with Olivia Aherne, Celina Basra, and Anaïs Castro



June 22, 2019

King Cross Boulevard, Battle Bridge Place, and Kings Cross Tunnel, London, UK

As part of Art Night London 2019

This project was possible with the generous support of Art Night, Arts Council England, The Embassy of Mexico in the UK, and Proyecta Traslados


Artists: Débora Delmar, Jade Montserrat, Alvin Tran, and Steven Warwick




The Department of Love presents four newly commissioned performances by Débora Delmar, Jade Montserrat, Alvin Tran and Steven Warwick. Each work will explore the places, meanings and functions of love in today’s world and will carry audiences on a journey from Battle Bridge Place, along Kings Boulevard and underground at Kings Cross Tunnel. Delmar’s roaming performers will activate memories and experiences of being in love, while Montserrat will explore the transitional spaces between urban and rural, with a focus on the politics of representation and love as a strategy for survival. Tran’s Kundiman will explore practices of care and affection as well as love as ethics during times of uprootedness, while Warwick will give an address to audiences as Saint Pancras, a patron saint for employment and health. Hoping to situate the places, meanings and functions of love in contemporary society, the programme presents modes of resistance and tools for self-preservation, love, care and solidarity.



Photos by Justyna Fedec




The Department of love / Art Night 2019


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